Date: 7-8 October 2010.
Location: Casa del Cinema. Largo Marcello Mastroianni 1, Rome, Italy.
EUscreen has organized a two-day conference on content selection policies and contextualisation in the audiovisual domain, to be held in Rome on October 7 and 8 2010. The conference will focus on contextualisation of audiovisual material, especially in the academic field. The conference programme is still under construction, but the first day includes a plenary session focussing on contextualisation of audiovisual material with keynotes and presentations of use cases. The second day comprises two workshops: one on European IPR legislations in the audiovisual sector and the impact on the exploitation of audiovisual and television archives, and one on best practices and guidelines for digitising audiovisual heritage. Attendance at the conference is free but online registration is required.
Confirmed speakers
- Prof. Andrew Hoskins, Professor of Cultural Studies at Nottingham University on media, digitization and memory.
- Dr. Lilian Landes, scientific co-ordinator of the project at Bavaria State Library on creating a European Open Access infrastructure for historical reviews.
- Dr. Alec Badenoch, from Utrecht University on Making Europe, virtual exhibits on European cultural heritage.
- Johan Söderberg, lecturer and filmmaker from Sweden on using and reusing archival material in his works, like the series “Read my lips”.
- Dr. Tibor Hirsch, from Film Studies at ELTE University on using digitized material in a creative way to help students understanding the language of film and television.
- Dr. Andreas Fickers, from the Art and Social Sciences at Maastricht University on audiovisual source critique in the age of the web 2.0.
- Peter B. Kaufman, President and executive producer of Intelligent Television. He is also the author of “Marketing Culture in the Digital Age: A Report on New Business Collaborations between Libraries, Museums, Archives, and Commercial Companies”.
- Prof. John Ellis, Professor of Media at Royal Holloway – University of London.
More information about the conference can be found here.