Season’s greetings with some of the highlights (and lowlights) of the over 150 Christmas related items on the EUscreen portal:
- The elegant (1956 from Luce): Franco Morabito and Emma Danieli posing in front of their Christmas tree.
- The criminal (1962 from RTE): A report on Christmas tree theft from forests in the Dublin mountains. Includes a ‘re-enactment’ of a theft.
- The poignant (1987 from TVP): Two elderly people spending the holidays alone at home in the forest.
- The curious (HeNAA 1965): Distribution of New Year’s Eve’s presents to children of the countryside by parachutists.
- Bad taste (ORF 2007): Fashion-show: Christmas No-Goes.
- The all-in-one (TVC 2010): Christmas in Europe.
Now see for yourself what you can dig up and take your lucky festive dip at: