We have compiled some useful resources and guidelines, online tutorials, and tools related to the process of aggregating and publishing audiovisual data and content to EUscreen and/or directly to Europeana.
If anything is missing or incorrect, or if you would like to add your own tips & tricks, share your experience and any other useful resources by emailing us at info@euscreen.eu.

- This document gives you a short overview on what is required and what you can expect when aggregating content to Europeana via EUscreen.
- Aggregation handbook
- MINT user manual
- To contribute your collections to Europeana, your institution needs to sign a Data Exchange Agreement (DEA) which formalises the relationship between Europeana, EUscreen and your institution.
- Intellectual Property Rights are a complex area. The Europeana Licensing Framework aims to clearly explain the elements related to IPR and Rights and make the relationship between end users of Europeana and the institutions that provide data a transparent one.
- The Copyright Management Guidelines for cultural heritage institutions created by the Europeana Copyright Community aim to to support best practice in copyright management in cultural heritage organisations
- CREATe (University of Glasgow) has created an independent online Copyright User platform as part of the H2020 consortium ReCreating Europe to make EU copyright law accessible to everyone.
Ready to give it a go? We strongly recommend that you read the latest version of the Europeana Publishing Guide, which outlines Europeana’s current criteria for submission in more detail.
All the documentation you need about the Europeana Data Model (EDM).
EUscreen uses metadata to enable content identification, improve searchability and discoverability, and to provide a consistent uniform information structure to support overall data management and the exchange of audiovisual content online. Read more about EUscreen and metadata.
To find out how Europeana works with the data and content you provide, take a look at the Europeana Publishing Framework: The More You Give, The More You Get. This framework shows you exactly how you will benefit from your collaboration. And/or watch the video ‘The Europeana Publishing Framework – What is it and how can you benefit?’.
Register with the metadata ingestion tool to upload, map, and transform your dataset for publication on Europeana.
The Preview tool is a web-based tool which allows registered partners to preview, check, and approve (or reject) content uploaded for display on the EUscreen portal.
A series of short videos created by Learning on Screen demonstrating the individual steps on using the MINT tool to aggregate AV metadata to Europeana.