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Registration open for FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar

Registration is now open for the second international Television Studies Seminar, hosted by the BFI (British Film Institute) at its South Bank premises in London on September 28th, 2012. Attending the event is free, but registration is required at: The seminar will present academic papers based on research conducted in FIAT/IFTA member archives and illustrated by extracts provided by those archives.

BFI Southbank by pixelthing


11.00-12.15 Sport & the Olympics (Chair: Steve Bryant, BFI)

  • Keynote address: The Mediatisation of Sport – Eggo Muller, University of Utrecht
  • The History of the DR Visual Archive Exemplified by Olympic Events from 1952-2012 -Mette Charis Buchman & Henrik Frost, DR Archive and Research

12:15-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 Media Events and Politics (Chair: Dana Mustata, University of Groningen)

  • Reaching Across the Divide: Early Cross-Border Collaboration Between RTE and Ulster Television – Ken Griffin, University of Ulster
  • Images of the Masses in the Spanish Transition to Democracy: Representation of Change on Television – Manuel Palacio and Concepcion Cascajosa, Carlos III University of Madrid
  • The Eichmann Trial: Memory of the Past as Global Media Event – Judith Keilbach, Utrecht University
  • Visualising History and Memory for a Young Target Audience in Dutch Multi-Platform TV – Berber Hagedoorn, Utrecht University

15.00-15.30 Tea

15.30-16.45 British Perspectives (Chair: Andy O’Dwyer, BBC)

  • Broadcasting from a Boat! Uncovering Southern Television, from Document to Moving Image – Elinor Groom, Nottingham University
  • A Special Relationship: Lost British Television Drama at the Library of Congress – Lisa Kerrigan, British Film Institute
  • John Grierson and the British Television Documentary – Nathan Budzinski

16.45-17.00 Presentation of EUscreen’s Journal of European Television History and Culture – Dana Mustata, University of Groningen
