By Sally Reynolds
The amount of interest in educational repositories is on the rise and practically every European country now offers some form of repository for teachers and others to use. One very active group of people who are exploring this topic are members of the EdReNe thematic network which was funded under the eContentPlus programme, like EUscreen. EdReNe brings together people responsible for European web-based repositories with content owners and other stakeholders within education and its members include practically all the large-scale repositories run by agencies like Becta (UK), Kennisnet (The Netherlands), EduLearn (Portugal) and Skolverket (Sweden) for European ministries of education. EdReNe recently held their 4th strategic seminar on repositories of learning resources in Barcelona where they launched a discussion about 4 key areas of their work which sparked off a number of interesting discussions provoked in part by the reports produced by EdReNe on these topics which are: identifying repository strategies which work, identifying the best ways to engage users and producers, standardisation and Rights Issues. More information, including these reports are available from the EdReNe website.