Announcement by the Centre for European Governance, University of Exeter
Date: Friday, 1st July 2011
Location: Conference Room 2, Xfi building, University of Exeter
The workshop investigates convergence in the regulation of public service broadcasting in Europe in a comparative context. The focus is the European Commission’s role in policy transfer in particular given that Member States have to clarify the subsidy of public service broadcasting (psb) under state aid rules. We shall be looking at general definitions of public service broadcasting, examining the European Commission’s interpretation of these (and whether the UK model is being drawn upon as a benchmark), and implementation in the different national contexts.
Programme highlights
- Public Service Broadcasting – theory, general principles and remit
David Elstein, Broadcasting Policy - EU state aid rules: was the BBC public value test an inspiration?
Anna Herold, European Commission, DG Information Society - Reforming public service broadcasting within the EU context: a comparison of the UK and France
David Levy, University of Oxford, Reuters Institute - Germany: the ‘Drei Stufen Test’ and its consequences.
Roberto Su E1rez Candel, Hans Bredow Institut Medienforschung - Public service broadcasting reform in Italy
Chris Hanretty, University of East Anglia
Marco Orofini, University of Milan - Soft governance promoting policy coordination: the case of psb
Maria Michalis, University of Westminster
For more information and registration, please contact Dr. Alison Harcourt,