News from the field of e-learning
Although the summer is usually a quiet time for people working in the e-learning business, some organisations and projects continued their activities during these months.
The EUscreen content selection policy and the future user
EUscreen will provide access to a critical mass of audiovisual content (>30,000 items) and it’s metadata, covering the history of European television. With such a
A richer data model for Europeana
Announcement by Europeana The Europeana Data Model (EDM) – a new way of structuring data that will bring the benefits of Semantic Web technology to
First EUscreen International Conference on Content Selection Policies and Contextualisation
Date: 7-8 October 2010. Location: Casa del Cinema. Largo Marcello Mastroianni 1, Rome, Italy. EUscreen has organized a two-day conference on content selection policies and
The presentations of the EUscreen Open Workshop on Metadata Schemes and Content Selection Policies can be found online now
The media of the workshop can now be found online, including a report and the presentations. This first EUscreen Open Workshop took place in Mykonos
Inspiring first EUscreen Open Workshop
The first EUscreen Open Workshop has taken place in Mykonos City, Greece, on June 23 and 24. The programme of the first day was filled
The first EUscreen Open Workshop on Metadata Schemas and Content Selection Policies has started
Over 60 participants traveled to Mykonos for the EUscreen Open Workshop on Metadata Schemas and Content Selection Policies on June 23-24. A warm welcome to
The EUscreen Open Workshop on Metadata Schemes and Content Selection Policies starts in one week from now
By Wietske van den Heuvel Date: 23-24 June 2010. Location: KDEPAM Conference Centre, Mykonos City, Greece. Only one week to go before the EUscreen Open
Today book release “Archives 2020” by Virtueel Platform about digital archives
By Wietske van den Heuvel The book Archive2020 – Sustainable Archiving of Born-Digital Cultural Content discusses the many issues that arise when digital content is
EUscreen present at various conferences
By Wietske van den Heuvel Delegates of EUscreen have been present at a number of conferences and meetings in the beginning of June, disseminating the
Invitation for Concepts in Context – Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization
Press release by Europeana Venue: Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany Date: July 19-20, 2010 In cooperation with the German National Library, the Institute
Europeana Publishes First White Paper: Knowledge = Information In Context
Europeana press release Europeana is proud to announce its first White Paper: a look at the key role linked data will play in Europeana’s development
EUscreen presentation during TNC2010
By Wietske van den Heuvel Today, Johan Oomen will be showcasing EUscreen during the TERENA Networking Conference (TNC2010) in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference is hosted by
New web exhibition and book release about Harry Schein at the National Library of Sweden
By Christopher Natzén In March 2010 the National Library of Sweden (KB) released a new book with the title ”Citizen Schein” (eds. Lars Ilshammar, Pelle
New INA president appointed
By Claude Mussou Mathieu Gallet, former deputy chief of the staff for Frederic Mitterrand , French minister of Culture and communication, has been appointed as Ina‘s
Archivists and Academics Coming Together at 1st FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar
By Berber Hagedoorn & Dana Mustata On May 14th, l’Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) in Paris hosted the 1st FIAT/IFTA Television Studies Seminar. Participants came
Europeana Public Domain Charter: libraries, museums and archives support Europe’s heritage
Europeana press release. The Hague – May 25th, 2010., Europe’s digital library, museum and archive, has published the Public Domain Charter. The Charter has
Feature on EUscreen in D-Lib Magazine
By Wietske van den Heuvel D-Lib Magazine has included a feature about EUscreen in it’s May/June issue. D-Lib is an online journal “with a focus